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Spring Greens maintenance has commenced this week
It is that time of year again when we begin our greens maintenance ready for the Summer. We often get asked what the reason behind this annual maintenance is and why it is so important, so here we’re going to explain a little more.
Course looking good going into the Winter season
One week after scarification and four weeks after hollow coring, our greens are looking very healthy going into the winter season.

Summer Greens maintenance has started this week
It is that time of year again when we begin our greens maintenance for the end of Summer. We often get asked what the reason behind this annual maintenance is and why it is so important, so here we’re going to explain a little more.

Greens and course coming on nicely despite the dry spell
Rewind one year to April 2021 and it’s fair to say that our greens weren’t the best they’d ever been - in fact I’d go as far to say that they weren’t good at all, but right now in April 2022 we have seen massive progress in them - and golfers are noticing.
Greens recovering well after Spring maintenance
After spending the last two weeks working on the greens we’re very pleased to say that they have been recovering nicely and are already performing above expectations.