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Volunteer Night - Thursday 25th May 2023
We are hosting a Volunteer Night next Thursday evening at 6pm, with the task of reseeding divots on tees, also known as "divotting". What this will involve is using a bucket and hand scoop to spread a rootzone and seed mix on the tees. We will also be tidying up bunkers and repairing pitchmarks.

A big thank you to Brian Sellers
The management would like to say a big thank you to Brian Sellers for his continued work with the PATT Foundation and Green Task Force, helping the club secure thousands of pounds worth of funding for the tree planting ealier this year, and continuing to push forward with phase 2 of the planting which will hopefully be starting this coming winter.

Volunteer Night - Thursday 26th May 2022
We are hosting a Volunteer Night next Thursday evening at 6pm, with the task of reseeding divots on tees, also known as "divotting". What this will involve is using a bucket and hand scoop to spread a rootzone and seed mix on the tees. We will also be tidying up bunkers and repairing pitchmarks.