Volunteers Wanted! Are you at a loose end?
If you are at a loose end and looking for something to do there are various little jobs at Burstwick that our staff currently don’t have the time or resources to allocate for, but would greatly help the club if you could pitch in!
These jobs include:
Prune dogwood bushes & put into piles for greenkeepers to collect
Paint half-way house - 2x Volunteers Allocated
Scrub and paint tee markers
Paint front gate
Weed the putting green flower bed
Divotting tees / practice ground / fairways - 3x Volunteers Allocated
Painting fence outside clubhouse garden
Paint fence posts around car park
All activities will be made COVID safe with sanitiser and masks provided.
If you would like to lend us a helping hand please call 01964 670112 and speak to Alan or email the address above!