A great turn out for the 2023 Captain’s Drive In!
Our 2023 Captains hosted their Drive-In on Saturday and it was a huge success. Men’s Captain John Ward, Senior Captain Bill Broughton, Junior Captain Tom Ward and Hull & Distrcit Captain of Captains Brian Wilson all tee’d off in front of a 30-strong crowd at 8am, signifying the start of their captaincies.
The format of the day was a Texas Scramble event in which 27 teams entered, and conditions were tough as the usual Burstwick wind showed its face throughout the day.
Back in the clubhouse in the afternoon the outgoing Men’s Captain Nigel Colley presented John with his 2023 Captain’s jacket, after presenting a cheque for his nominated charity, Prostrate Cancer UK, worth £7,800!
John then gave a speech about his upcoming year which included him nominating his chosen charity - The Daniel Wilkinson Foundation, which partners with CRY for screening young people for heart problems that can cause Sudden Cardiac Death.
As part of John’s year he will be holding many events, and the main one will be his Charity Open Am-Am on Saturday 29th July which we hope as many people as possible will support.
Thank you to everyone who supported the Drive-In, we hope you all had a great day and look forward to see you at the next event!