My England Golf - A Great way to track your handicap index and more!
England Golf have launched a brand new app for your phone called MyEG which lets you track your handicap progress and buddy up with fellow members, it also introduces a brand new Course Handicap calculator for easily knowing how many shots you are to receive at a given golf course.
MyEG app features
Monitor your handicap and scoring history over time. See which scores are counting toward your handicap index.
View detailed hole by hole scoring record for each golfing round
Follow your friends with peer review of golfing score history
Receive notifications such as handicap updates, friend activity, comments on scores and general updates from England Golf and your club
Edit your profile details and upload your profile picture
You must be a member to use this app and will need your CDH number to register your account with England Golf so that you can log in. If you do not have this please request it from us be filling in the form below:
First Name
Last Name
Membership Number
Thank you!